Announcing SFM Version 1.6

In between GW’s spring break and late season snow storm (well, storm is a bit of an exaggeration), we squeaked in version 1.6 of Social Feed Manager. This release was our first opportunity to implement usability improvements that came out of our work with UX expert Cory Lebson.

Rather than attempt to describe the improvements, I’m going to gesture at them with pictures.

Contextual help

More help

Seed warning messages

Details closed

Details open

Credentials page

This barely made a dent in our UX tickets; expect more in upcoming releases.

In case you missed it, check out Soomin Park’s recent blog post on publishing social media datasets to Dataverse. (As a good companion reading, I’d recommend Sara Mannheimer and Elizabeth Hull’s article on the legal and ethical considerations of social media data from the perspective of data curators.)

Also, after deep contemplation of the considerations for establishing a social media archiving program, we’ve released “Building Social Media Archives: Collection Development Guidelines”. (Rachel Trent, Vakil Smallen, and Christie Peterson led the work on developing this resource; the rest of the team just chimed in with our two cents.) Feedback/discussion is welcome.

And coming soon: Yonah Bromberg Gaber is working on a blog post on collecting tweets based on geotagging.